

Courses offered at York University:

AP/POLS3520 3.0A : Governing the New Europe

This course examines the government and politics of the new Europe. It considers structures and process of governance at the national, sub-national and supra-national level. The course examines different patterns of development and the changing nature of democracy in Europe. It draws on historical and current trends to consider similarities and differences in political and social institutions, political culture and economic forces. More information

AP/POLS 4517 3.00   Debates in Contemporary European Union Politics

This course assumes students have a basic knowledge of the EU and its institutions. The course considers how multi-level structures of governance and multiple actors are involved in compromise, negotiation and policy making in Europe. This course uses debates, simulations and other interactive tools to address the complex issues facing the European Union and its member states. More information

GS/POLS 6656 3.00   Politics and Policies of European Integration

This advanced comparative politics seminar addresses specific policies of European integration, including such topics as foreign and security policy, environmental policies, social policies, gender and identity politics, and others. More information. More information